Friday, January 18, 2013

Jan 9 - Jan 18, 2013

Jan 9, 2013

The 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday.  I had vowed to myself that I would take my birthday off this year (as I had to work last year because too many meetings got scheduled that I couldn't miss), but alas, where did I find myself at 8A on the anniversay of the day of my birth?  In the car - ready to head into work....

Ryan and Lucy stayed home sick on my birthday - but rebounded by dinner time.  Chinese and a Hello Kitty Cake (Lucy just KNEW that is what I wanted on my cake) - a pretty good ending to my special day!

Jan 10, 2013:
These little girls were being silly....instead of getting out of bed and ready for school.  Two little monkeys, not using their listening ears - but they looked so sweet, and the giggles melted my heart that I just couldn't help but snap a picture!
Jan 11, 2013:
Snuggling with my littlest this little baby face (just DON'T call her little....or a baby ~ she is a BIG GIRL!)
Jan 12, 2013:
Ok - I couldn't just pick one.....enjoying a grilled cheese sandwich made with love by Daddy....
Coloring sun catchers for Fancy Nancy and Papa Timmy
Being silly in the tub....
Jan 13, 2013:
Sometimes the morning just comes too soon!
Jan 14, 2013:
Lucy and her Daisy troop friends ~ working on their first Daisy Petal, Lupie the Lupine.  Learning about what it means to be Fair and Honest.  They finger painted Lupine flowers.....a garden of Lupines held by a troop of Daisies!
Jan 15, 2013:
I told them it was time to get up and out of bed.....I found them in bed with Daddy
Someone got to stay home after getting sick - on the kitchen floor.  She recovered quickly and was back to her happy self a little after lunch time.
Jan 16, 2013:
I had a new little office mate for the day - after she came down with the same mild little stomach bug that Lucy had.  
Jan 17, 2013:
Writing a Thank You note to Santa.....
I don't know where she picked up this facial expression - but I've noticed a trend this week.
Jan 18, 2013:
A belated picture of my birthday present (mainly because I may, or may have forgotten to take a picture, and the kids were already asleep when I remembered).  A little birdie told Daddy that mommy should have a matching Pandora bracelet like the girls got for Christmas.  The girls picked out my first charms.  A Pink Heart charm from Lexi "cause she knows that I like pink, and hearts" and a Pink Ribbon charm from Lucy "cause you did that walk mommy"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jan 6 2013

Sunday morning...I spied the girls playing photographer with their new tablets.  They really do love to play with each other, and their newest toy that takes pictures and videos has been lots of fun! 

Jan 7 2013 - after what felt like a very long day at work, the girls and I snuggled into bed to just spend a little time together.  It proved to be the perfect time for some impromptu photos!!

Jan 8 2013 - Lucy came home from school today saying her tummy didn't feel good.  After numerous trip to the potty, and a little snuggling on the couch we had our fingers crossed when she crawled into bed that it wasn't going to turn into anything serious.  Then, when I realized I had forgotten a picture for the day and grabbed my phone - she magically felt better :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

5 Days in....5 photos strong :)

Jan 4, 2013: Lucy's Kindergarten Holiday Sing Program.  Thanks to a snow storm 2 weeks earlier, her holiday sing got rescheduled for the 4th.  120+ Kindergarteners singing holiday songs - so sweet!  Considering how much she sings around the house, in the bathroom, in the car, in her bed, at the dinner table, in the bathtub - I was amazed to she her more just mouthing the words and instead focusing on the lights overhead.  Lexi loved every minute of watching her big sister perform - even if we could hardly see her in the sea of faces!

(on a side note - a link to the performance, not part of the project, but just a nice addition!)

Jan 5 2013 - Lucy is well on her way to reading all by herself.  She has mastered quite a few words and does great with easy reader books.  She LOVES to read.  It just melts my heart to listen to her actually read the words to her sister (instead of reciting by memorization!)


Thursday, January 3, 2013

The First Few Days

Jan 1, 2013 brought another new year - just another day, like any other.  I rarely get caught up in making resolutions, or all the hoopla that goes with a new year.  After tucking the kids into bed (a little earlier than usual because they were over tired and school restarted the next day), I was unwinding while catching up on Facebook.  I noticed numerous people were vowing to take part in Project 365 - which got me intrigued.  Looking it up, I found it was a pretty easy "movement"  Basically it encouraged people to capture ever day of the year with a picture.  The pictures didn't need to be fancy, or super special, but could simply capture a random moment in the day.  I decided this sounded like fun - and may be pretty cool to look back at a whole year of pictures.  Fingers crossed I can keep it up!  Thankfully on day 2, a post on Facebook reminded me of my new project and I was able to quickly snap day 2's picture.

Jan 1, 2013 - Lexi was SUPPOSED to be asleep, in fact we had thought she was a mere 20 15 minutes before I snapped this picture.  My plan was to go take a picture of our sweet angels as they slept, only I found one sneaky little child who had been playing with stickers!  Sister slept sweetly in the bed above - I have 364 other days to capture her :)

Jan 2, 2013 - Thankfully a facebook post reminded me of my new project!  A quick grab of the camera, I decided to capture our tree - with a few presents still underneath.  I know a lot of people have taken down all Christmas decorations - but to me, it still feels like the holiday and will keep up the tree for another week.

Jan 3, 2013 - Morning scramble.  With the kids being home for almost 2 full weeks for Christmas break (+2 snow days) I'm not quite back in my normal routine of getting things ready the night before.  *disclaimer - while I wanted to pack that bottle of wine in MY lunch box....I settled for tuna salad and a diet coke*